Monday, July 13, 2009


Friend of Dorothy (F.O.D.): A euphemism used for discussing sexual orientation without others knowing its meaning.
Source: Wikipedia

Dear Marilyn:

Ooh, gurrrl! I am havin' a really gay night, honay. I had Italian for dinner and watched Margaret Cho (CHO: Revolution)... hence the extra gay, asian-american accent with a tablespoon of ebonics, heavy on the attitude. Dat gurrl iz so fagalicious... mmkay! A thank it'z the gayest of all her
dvd's. Having been inspired after watching Ms. Cho, I cracked open a bottle of Chilean red wine (Carmenere).

As if that wasn't enough gay for one night, I moved on to a movie called "A Four Letter Word"... which is absolutely, hands-down, the gayest movie of all time. One of the characters was named after you, but she paled in comparison. Charlie David of Dante's Cove was in it... honey-chile, that boy is HOT!

Luke, the main character, was really annoying. I would never admit this to another gay, but gurrrl, he was so queeny and ovah da top! And not in a cute, adorable, funny way... he just got on ma-nerves! But din I watched the speshow feetchahs, and the actor was funny and charming, still queeny, but totally likeable, he also cowrote the movie. I "get it" though, the character is intended to be annoying and over the top, it's a statement and the film is making fun of sterotypical gay guys but after a bottle of wine, I'z just gonna tell it like it is, honey. You know what else I saw in da speshow featchahs, doll? Da directah had a big ol' herpes on his mouth, gurl. Just keepin' it real.

Oh my my, I just now glanced over at the mirror and my teeth are completely purple. So is my tongue. Mission accomplished. Lots of teeth whitening products tomorrow.

Shit, I spilled some wine. I'm off to watch Kiss the Bride.

Ciao bella

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